Bananas are one of the first plants that existed in the world and have been cultivated for thousands of years. There are several types of bananas, but the one that is commonly known is the banana that comes from Asia. It is sometimes thought that bananas were brought to Europe after the discovery of America. However, this time it was different. The Spaniards and Portuguese carried this fruit to the New World, due to the warm and humid climate prospered in some countries of the American continent like Brazil and Mexico.

Bananas are a very popular fruit worldwide; a century ago it was a luxury to be able to eat it. Since due to the conditions in which it has to be maintained did not last long, in addition to being few producers of this fruit. Today, it is a very common product and we can find it practically anywhere. Vitamins vary depending on the type of banana consumed but usually have a high content of sugar, vitamin C, carotene and riboflavin. Fresh bananas usually have 27 grams of carbohydrate, deliver, 22% of vitamin B-6 and 17% of vitamin C and 12% of dietary fiber and potassium and folic acid.

Dried banana

Dried bananas are another way to consume this delicious food. A fresh banana contains about 75% water. This means that the banana will have that size reduction. When water is removed, dried bananas become a concentrated food of nutrients, and they contain less vitamin C (about 20%) as this vitamin decreases with heat but is not completely lost.

As we have already mentioned, because nutrients, vitamins, fructose and calories are concentrated in dehydrated fruits, their consumption should be moderated in order to avoid gaining weight. Being portions smaller than a fresh fruit our subconscious can make us believe that we can eat a little more because the pieces are small.

It is very important to highlight that there are several types of dried fruit. By doing an internet research we find that many people find that dried fruit is unhealthy because it has added sugar (causing more calories). However, we want to emphasize that not all dried fruit contains sugar. While it is true that there are brands that put higher amounts of sugar to make it sweeter or add preservatives. Some others contain oil or other flavorings; not all brands do that and a clear example is Instantia.

Our company is recognized for offering 100% natural products, so we do not add sugar, preservatives or any other additives to our products. With our products you can be sure that in every bite you will have all the benefits of the fruit. It is important that when you go to the supermarket you must check the nutritional content to verify that there are no additives and that they are really natural products that provide health benefits.

Come of the properties of natural dehydrated bananas are:

  • It is one of the most nutritious fruits.
  • The banana contains fiber that allows you to relieve stomach problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and prevents stomach ulcers.
  • Dried banana also helps to lower cholesterol levels because of de fiber that it contains.
  • It is ideal for people who perform physical activities because potassium avoids cramps; in addition they provide the energy needed to continue with your training.
  • Dried banana is also recommended for people with kidney failure or those who have restricted liquids in their diet.
  • In addition, it serves in treatments for eating disorders since the portions are small, however they can contribute nutrients to the body without the person considers that they ate too much.

Dehydration of fruits is not something new. This practice arose hundreds of years ago to be able to preserve the perishables longer. It was used for winter because was the time that people had to survive all season with what they had harvested during the summer and fall season. For this reason, people started to perform dehydration since the products can last up to a year providing the same nutrients and makes people feel satisfied because of the fiber content.

Fruits last little time, so dried fruits is an excellent way to take advantage of them so they can last longer, and can be transported anywhere and do not need refrigeration. Sometimes when you see the dehydrated fruit products you can think that they are not natural, because of the processes they pass through (or as we had already mentioned the certainty that they add sugar, oil and flavorings). However, this is not true and here we want to explain the process of dehydration that we use for each of our products in Instantia.

It all started with the dream of wanting to create something that was good for society. After thinking for some time this idea, the founders of Instantia came to the conclusion that the best way to help the world would be through good nutrition. We started with the search of agriculturists committed to the quality of their products. We work with agricultural communities that care about the environment and the quality of their products. So after choosing them, we have a close relationship to ensure quality in each fruit. We select the highest quality fruit from the best Mexican fields, and then take them to the drying process.

Dried banana

In ancient times, to dehydrate the fruits what was done was to cut the fruits and place them for several hours in the open air for the sun to do this process. When finished, the fruits remained completely natural only that they had no more water; which is what causes bacteria to grow and the products no longer serve. On the other hand, this technique, although natural, made the products not have an excellent quality due to insects, dust, among other contaminants.

That is why in our process we use ovens and is not outdoors. This way we control the temperature to maintain the properties of each fruit. It is as if it were in the sun; however we do it in the oven because the environmental pollutants or insects can damage the quality of the fruits. In addition variations in temperature could cause nutrients to be lost from fruits. For these reasons we place them in ovens to take care of the quality of our products, keep them free of contaminants and maintain the nutrients for which fruits are an excellent source of food.

Our process is totally natural since we perform the dehydration by means of the heat, without adding anything more to the fruits. What is done in this process is to eliminate water from fruits that is usually greater than 75%, doing so, fruits lose volume because they no longer have water, which causes fiber, nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, calories and fructose are concentrated in the remnants of the fruit. Later we prepare them for packaging so we can send it to our customers. The whole process is taken care of in detail so that there are no microorganisms that could damage our product and thus offer the highest quality.

We have 15 years of experience in the food industry. During these years, we have perfected each of our processes for each of the fruits we offer, such as coconut, mango, pineapple, apple and dried banana. In addition, we offer Apple fiber, Apple powder and strawberry powder that are widely used in the food industry due to its versatility in beverages, bakery and various dishes. We are a globally recognized company and we achieve the quality standards of European countries, United States and Mexico for our commitment to quality, sustainability and environment as we have been growing and we are recognized for quality, price and good service that we provide to each one of the people who are interested in our products.

Dehydrated fruits are a source of healthy energy that allows us to fulfill our daily activities, allowing us to obtain the necessary nutrients in our body and thus achieve our goals of weight eating healthy snacks or complementing our meals or even our protein shakes providing new flavors, as well as vitamins necessary for us to have a good exercises perform.

At Instantia, we want to be part of your life and provide a healthy and nutritious solution for your food and that of your customers. We want to be a positive change in society and make people consume healthy products, avoiding diseases that are the result of poor nutrition (obesity, cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, among others). Dehydrated fruits are an excellent option to transform your life and to leave aside the snacks that take away hunger, but leave us more problems due to its high caloric content, artificial sweeteners, and coloring, among other chemicals that do not bring benefits to our body and can lead to anxiety, depression or even eating disorders. If you have doubts about the benefits, nutrients of dehydrated fruits or about the presentation of our products and delivery times we will be very happy to help you.