Why it is important to reduce abdominal fat?

Abdominal fat is an issue that can overwhelm many people, because having abdominal fat can affect the appearance of a person, in addition it cause health problems because an increase in abdominal fat can increase the chances of suffering diseases related to the heart and diabetes.

For this reason, it is important to maintain adequate waist measurements to ensure that we will not harm our health; diabetes is a disease that is very dangerous because it causes the organism to have resistance to insulin which causes blood sugar levels to increase which causes the blood to fill with glucose and fat that clog the veins; at the time of increasing the blockage in the veins, the risk of suffering heart and cerebrovascular diseases increases considerably.

The abdominal fat, beyond being an aesthetic problem represents a health risk because it can also cause osteoporosis because it reduces bone density. There are daily actions that can help us reduce belly fat and thus have a higher quality of life for longer. You can reduce abdominal fat by making some changes in daily life such as physical exercise since exercise helps maintain weight and improve cardiovascular health by improving circulation.

Genetics is another reason because body fat can vary in each person; and there are some people who accumulate fat in the abdominal region and it is the tendency they have when they gain weight. On the other hand, stress is another reason why you can increase abdominal fat because it increases adrenaline and cortisol, which favors the formation of fat.

Hormones can also be responsible for the accumulation of abdominal fat so a hormonal imbalance can cause people to accumulate more fat in the abdomen. Another reason is not having the necessary sleep hours so that the body can recover and do its regeneration process; the lack of sleep produces an increase of some hormones that are responsible for increasing the appetite, and reduce other hormones that help the proper functioning of our body.

Drinking alcohol in excess is a factor that increases abdominal fat because they represent more calories, in addition to stimulating appetite. Consuming snacks that are not healthy like chips, candy or foods with a lot of carbohydrates and fats is one of the reasons why you can increase abdominal fat. A poor diet based on flours, fried foods, sugar, soft drinks and other canned products are those that can cause weight gain. In Instantia, we are concerned about promoting a healthy life with our products, such as organic dried pineapple, are highly required for being 100% natural.

The organic dried pineapple is one of our most sought after products because it is a tropical fruit with delicious flavor and being dehydrated we can enjoy it all year without worrying because it will spoil soon. In addition, the organic dried pineapple has multiple benefits that help decrease abdominal fat.

This fruit also has fiber which is very important in our diet. There are two types of fiber: soluble and non-soluble. Soluble fiber is beneficial because it helps intestinal transit. And, insoluble fiber is the one that contains the pineapple and serves to improve the intestinal process, retains water, reduces hunger, prevents colon cancer, renews intestinal flora, prevents hemorrhoids. This type of fiber does not dissolve with water so it increases the volume of feces and helps foods pass faster through the intestine.

The fiber that the organic dried pineapple gives us is very important because it is a nutrient that benefits our body and digestive system because it helps to carry out its main functions; a correct supply of fiber to our daily diet brings us many benefits. Some of them are that it provides energy to our body, produces a feeling of fullness which causes us not to be hungry and we can focus on a balanced diet and not fall before the cravings full of fats and sugar. The satiety makes the organism feel that it full and does not have to eat because it feels satisfied.

In addition, fiber delays gastric emptying which causes the nutrients to be absorbed slowly so that our body can take full advantage of them, and there are no high or very low levels of glucose. The reduction of intestinal transit time is another reason and helps to avoid constipation and release toxins. Fiber also decreases cholesterol absorption because fiber retains it and the body eliminates it in the stool, which represents a reduction in the risk of heart disease.

Instantia is a company known for producing organic and healthy foods. Among our products are the organic dried pineapple, apple, and coconut, apple powder, among others; that allow us to take a balanced diet and improve our health considerably.

We are a Company that works constantly to offer you the best products in the market; we have 15 years of experience in the food industry. These years have helped us to improve our processes of cultivation, drying, packing and delivery to the client; which has given us fame among our customers in Europe, the United States and Mexico for the quality of our products.

We invite you to know our products, you can browse our page to know our services and in the blog you will be able to know information of interest about our industry. Contact us at our email info@instantia.com or on our phones (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492-01 728 2820230.

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