Organic dried fruits: Is it good for your health to be vegan?

Welcome back to the Instantia blog! We are very happy that you visit us in our blog where we have shared with you various health topics, as well as information and benefits about the advantages of including organic dried fruits in your daily diet.

Veganism has gathered more followers around the world, but is it really healthy? Many people adopt it without even taking an analysis of the vitamins and minerals they need to consume to be healthy and that is why in this post we want to share some advantages and disadvantages of being vegan to make a more informed decision.

Some of the pros of consuming a vegan diet are:

  • People who are vegan, consume a greater amount of vitamins that significantly helps the absorption of antioxidants and nutrients.
  • Cholesterol is reduced because by not eating meat, the cardiovascular system will function better, avoiding part of the bad cholesterol that is present in the fat of animals.
  • Fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber that helps the digestive system work properly, reducing the possibility of colon cancer.
  • Aid for the care of animals. Many people do not want to eat meat so as not to damage the living beings that exist on the planet.
  • Benefits to the environment, currently one of the main pollutants are the massive farms that produce meat and its derivatives since millions of liters of water are used, and the methane produced by the animals is also a great pollutant, so reducing consumption of the meat would help to give a respite to the environment.
  • A well-planned diet (or with the follow-up of experts), can be very beneficial since it will not have lack of nutrients due to the diversity of foods that exist, it is low in fats and cholesterol which will help to prevent a lot of diseases.
    Like all things in this world, the vegan diet has both positive and negative aspects, and here we share with you some of the cons of this diet.

    organic dried fruits

  • There may be a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, as it is found mainly in foods of animal origin such as salmon, seafood, chicken and beef. There are no proteins in the most consumed foods so it is very important to consume foods that provide proteins such as soy, pea, peanuts, quinoa, oats, and wheat germ. In addition, it is sometimes recommended to take a supplement with this vitamin since its lack in the body can cause fatigue, problems in the nervous system, can cause a lack of concentration and memory.
    Some of the main functions of this vitamin are the production of red blood cells, regulates cell division, protects the heart, helps the immune system work properly, in pregnancy helps the baby to form properly and also regulates the state of cheer up.
  • This diet can also cause a lack of iron, this mineral is normally present in eggs, poultry, seafood, and meat. Likewise, it can also be found in some types of organic dried fruits, white beans, lentils, spines and cereals fortified with iron, among others. Iron is essential for proper growth and development; this mineral is responsible for making hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to different parts of the body. When a person has a lack of iron will have anemia, which causes less oxygen in the body, which causes fatigue, lack of memory, problems in the digestive tract and a decrease in the immune system. If this lack occurs in children, it can cause learning problems.
  • It can limit your social life. This can become a very controversial and relevant issue in the lives of vegan and non-vegan people. Currently, there are more vegan sites where people with a 100% vegetable diet can find the food they want. These restaurants have also been a new world for non-vegan people who can go to eat some delicious foods one day and get rid of that myth that the vegan diet is boring and unhealthy. However, in this issue you need to be tolerant of the decisions and beliefs of other people; not all people believe the same as you and you can have a friend who loves steaks and your being vegan or vice versa. The goal is to find a balance and not exclude people who do not think like you in terms of food.
  • If you are going to have this diet during childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, lactation and old age you should take care the planning so that there are no deficiencies of folic acid, iron, omega 3, among others, since, in these stages of life, various nutritional requirements are required for the body to function properly and promote health.

Currently there are several initiatives to reduce the consumption of meat in the world, they simply try to ensure that people have a more balanced diet by reducing the consumption of meat or avoiding it one day a week so they can have other benefits in their health, being one day a week vegetarian or vegan can begin to change the world and your body. Also, they can reduce animal foods and in this way have the best of both worlds, so your body will be healthier. It is important to mention that no matter what your beliefs are, if you are vegetarian, vegan or consume products of animal origin, the main thing is to have a healthy diet where your body gets the most benefits, preventing diseases and feeling energized and well to be able to perform all your activities

In Instantia we are experts in the production of organic dried fruits that are 100% natural, and that will help you to have a balanced diet, free of added sugar and other additives so that you can consume the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires and enjoy of a better quality of life for more time.

Start a healthier life today with Instantia’s organic dried fruits.

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