Dangerous diets

During the last years, diets are something common in the life of many people. However, the problem is not that people make diets, but on numerous occasions they only think about stop eating and thus reaching the desired number on the scale.

How many times have we not heard that someone started a new diet where they cannot eat any carbohydrate, or only eat fruit all day or some detox where people should stop eating and drink a shake for days? There are other types of diets where several foods are eliminated and this obsession with only eating what the diet considers good or counting calories begins to be the center of attention of people and even in the only thing they think during the day. All these diets and negative thoughts can turn into eating disorders.

Eating disorders begin to develop by situations in the interpersonal and psychological social life of the person; in addition, the disorders begin to grow when the person experience feelings such as anxiety, depression, loneliness or problems in their relationships. One of the great causes of these disorders is the idealization towards thinness and having the perfect body. The problem of this idealization is that it does not promote a healthy life, it only promotes being thin regardless of the price.

The problem is that the obsession with being thin is that they can cause eating disorders that are very difficult to overcome. Doing nonsense diets, eating too much food and then vomit or even take laxatives what they cause is to deteriorate the health of the person. Some of the most common eating disorders experienced by thousands of men and women can be anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating. The difference between these three problems is that anorexia is characterized by the person denying himself the meals, feeling a genuine concern to maintain his weight, being afraid of obesity, having a distortion of the reality of his body and every meal they count how many calories they will eat and this becomes an obsession.

Bulimia is when a person eats compulsively and then performs a purge. Purges may include vomiting, laxatives, pills, excessive exercise or fasting. Thus the person feels that he eliminates what he ate from his body. It should be mentioned that when the person eats compulsively most of the time he does it secretly. Finally, when a person has the problem of compulsive eating is characterized by eating a lot when they are alone, sad or angry; they make constant diets and weight can vary from low weight to severe obesity.

Eating disorders become the only reality of people who establish very strict rules that must be followed. In many cases, these rules become dangerous for their health and can range from not exceeding certain calories in a day, to eating only vegetables or fruits, eating only proteins, eating once a day or other rules that the only thing they do is damaging your health.

The poor diet they bring causes their body to begin to suffer the consequences due to the lack of vitamins. They may get sick more continuously, they lose their sight, their hair; women suffer from amenorrhea, among others. The worst part is that these habits and obsessive behaviors cause the person to suffer from malnutrition and social isolation because they do not want to confront reality.

Normally, people with these kinds of problems exclude foods from their diet which causes their body to not receive the necessary nutrients. Many of these diets end up in the hospital and there are millions of stories of how this obsession started that ended badly. When these problems begin they are imperceptible for other people, but day by day, these ideas fill the person’s mind until they become their only reality and if something is not done in the first stages it can be deadly because in many occasions the person does not see reality.

At Instantia, we constantly work to improve people’s health. We believe that a balanced diet is the key to good health. We are a producer of dried fruits, which are ideal as snacks or to create smoothies or complement any dish.

Dried fruits contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that guarantee that people get what their body needs. Some of the benefits of consuming dried fruits are that they contain properties that help regulate functions of the human body, strengthening the digestive system, circulatory, immune and also helps cardiovascular health; due to its high fiber content of vitamins and antioxidants.

Our dried fruits are 100% natural. The drying process is natural since it is placed in ovens, where the temperature is managed to take care of the nutrients and vitamins of the fruits. Our idea is to help people to be healthy and have habits that help them fulfill their dreams. Our goal is that people do not just want to be thin, but be healthy and give your body the nutrients it needs.

Dried fruits should be a complement to your diet. You should not only eat these fruits; you need to balance your meals, otherwise it won’t be healthy. We want to be part of people’s lives, providing something positive in their food and lives.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at our telephone numbers or via e-mail and we will be very happy to help you.

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