Dried banana: How to protect the nervous system

The nervous system is very complex and takes care of our reactions to various external and internal stimuli. For this reason, it is very important to take care of it through food, sleep, mental tranquility. The nervous system sends electrical impulses to the neurons, which are responsible for our body to function properly. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord and the nerves that connect them.

By not taking good care of it, the nervous system can cause damage to our body and cause stress, depression, tension, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, among others as it is responsible for promoting our vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat , thirst and the emotions that we experience daily. If the nervous system is in trouble we will begin to experience problems such as insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, panic or hyperactivity.

Sunlight helps regulate the nervous system and provides vitamin D, bathing in cold water is very beneficial. Also, you will help your nervous system if you avoid smoking and alcohol abuse, because it leads to reduce the function and decrease the number of neurons. Also, avoid foods such as sugar, high fat foods, processed foods and consuming too much coffee.

Sleeping well allows the nervous system to develop, and helps maintain energy. Sleeping badly can cause stress, anxiety, exhaustion which causes a bad functioning of the nervous system because it is responsible for multiple functions of the organism, coordinating vital organs and movements.

Teas help strengthen our nervous system; you can use chamomile, ginger, rosemary or lemon. Exercising also helps to strengthen the nervous system and allows maintaining mental health, it is also recommended meditation to maintain mental calmness and manage stress. A fundamental part is to maintain a healthy diet. Oats are able to balance the nervous system, calm irritability, relieve insomnia and even promote intellectual performance. It is also recommended to consume foods that contain magnesium such as spinach, lettuce, almonds and dried banana.

Dried banana is a fruit that brings great benefits to our nervous system because they contain magnesium, vitamin B, potassium, among others. Magnesium is necessary because it allows more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps the muscles and nerves work properly, also allows strengthen the immune system, allows bones to be healthy. Potassium helps maintain blood pressure, stimulates bowel movements, helps bones grow, and helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Dried banana is a very nutritious fruit, contains fiber that prevents stomach diseases and helps fight digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels because of its high fiber content. The banana contains potassium which avoids cramps, is a great source of healthy energy and is a highly recommended for children and athletes. Sometimes we know that people want to snack with a different flavor, that’s why we offer some other flavors for people who want to try dried banana as a snack during the day.

Some smoothies can help strengthen the nervous system, are nutritious and with the right combination of vegetables or fruits can provide your body with vitamins and minerals necessary for proper functioning. A smoothie of pear and oatmeal is ideal for soothing nerves or a banana smoothie with almonds and nuts. You can try other smoothies with dried banana, strawberries and pear. This juice is perfect to calm the nervous system and control anxiety; In addition, it helps to avoid eating too much. These three fruits provide energy and help to improve mood. Another juice that is very beneficial for the nervous system is banana with oats and almond milk. This juice is ideal for soothing the nerves due to the vitamins provided by oats and bananas.

Our company is recognized for offering 100% natural products; we do not add sugar, preservatives or any other additives to our products. With our products you can be sure that you will receive all the benefits of fresh fruits. At Instantia, we want to be part of your life and provide a healthy and nutritious solution for your food and also for your customers. We want to be a positive change in society and the environment. That’s why we offer organic products to make people consume healthy products and achieve their goals, while maintaining a good quality of life.

Our process is natural because we only use heat; to maintain the quality of our products we do not add anything more to our fruits. In the dehydration process we only eliminate water. After the fruit is reduced all the vitamins, nutrients, fructose, fiber, antioxidants and calories are concentrated in the remnants of the fruit. Then, we prepare them to send them to our customers worldwide and have presence in the United States, Mexico and Europe. We take care of each detail so there are no microorganisms that could damage our product and be able to offer the best quality. We have 15 years of experience in the food industry. During these years, we have perfected each of our processes for each of the fruits such as coconut, mango, pineapple, apple and dried banana. In addition, we offer apple fiber, apple powder and strawberry powder.

Contact us at (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to info@instantia.com¸ you will be buying an excellent product that will help you and your customers to have a healthy life with delicious and natural dried fruits.

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