Dried fruits: recipes with spirulina seaweed

Spirulina is a superfood that has multiple benefits for the body. In other posts we have talked in detail about all the properties it has and the benefits it brings to our body. Some of the main benefits it has are that it helps improve the immune system, is used in diets to lose weight, prevents different types of cancer, helps people with diabetes and anemia, prevents cardiovascular diseases because increase in vitality and energy, reduces cholesterol and fatigue. In addition, it prevents arthritis and osteoporosis, helps to delay aging, is a natural antidepressant and fights anxiety.

It is for this reason that many people have begun to include it in their daily diet. We can find it in several presentations as capsules or powder. However, since it is an alga, its flavor is a little different and sometimes this taste becomes very strong and they stop consuming it. In this post, we want to share with you some recipes that you can make with spirulina and dried fruits that will make your taste does not prevent taking this superfood that is so beneficial to health. By combining spirulina with dried fruits we enhance the benefits of these two foods. The dried fruits contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that allow our body to work properly fulfilling.

Spirulina can be taken in tablets, capsules or powder. Some people have stopped taking it in powder due to its flavor, but then we detail three recipes to include it in our diet in an original way and multiplying the benefits of these foods.

The current lifestyle can cause us not to consume the vitamins we need, so it is important to consume foods, such as spirulina and dried fruits that allow us to obtain the nutrients we need without this representing great efforts and time in the kitchen.

If you want to lose weight, spirulina is very good and it is recommended to consume it half an hour before each meal to help control your appetite. This superfood is highly recommended for people who exercise because of the antioxidants and energy it provides.

If you want to start including spirulina in your daily diet we recommend you start with smoothies because you can begin to familiarize yourself with the taste and achieve smoothies that have a pleasant taste with the right nutrients for you. Remember that you can make smoothies with vegetables and fruits; you can customize it so that the ingredients are adapted to your needs and your body receives the nutrients you need.

Green juice is highly recommended due to the properties it provides. These juices are an excellent way to start the day achieving a healthy and fast breakfast.

For this smoothie, we will need a ½ teaspoon of spirulina, ½ cup of baby spinach, ½ cup of dried banana, ½ cup of dried pineapple, ¼ cup of almonds, honey or stevia if you want to sweeten it and cold water. The only thing we have to do is grind the ingredients until it has a homogeneous texture, if it is too thick you can add water.

In the beginning, changing the lifestyle can be a bit complicated and discovering new flavors can be difficult. However, the moment you start enjoying all the benefits, improving your health and mood, we are sure you will not want to go back to the previous lifestyle.

dried fruits

Spirulina juice with dried apple and orange

For this juice we will need ¾ cup of dried apple or ¼ cup of apple powder, 2 oranges, 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon of spirulina. This juice helps you increase your consumption of antioxidants, and significantly improve your immune system with lemon and orange. In addition, the apple will provide a lot of fiber that will help the health of your digestive system detoxifying and helping to eliminate toxins that your body does not need.

If you want to control anxiety and appetite we recommend a spirulina juice before meals. For this juice we recommend mixing 1 teaspoon of spirulina, spinach, broccoli or kale and 1 spoon of apple powder, you can sweeten it with stevia to give it a better taste but without a doubt, with this juice, your body will obtain great benefits.

Finally, you can prepare the next super juice for breakfast. To prepare it you will need ½ cup of dried pineapple, ½ cup of cucumber, ½ lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of spirulina, ½ cup of dried apple and cold water. You just have to stir everything in the blender and you will get a juice that will help you improve your health.

With our products you can take a nutritious snack to any place, ensuring you have a good diet to improve your health. All the fruits that we offer are dehydrated with high-quality processes, we put all the care so that nothing is wasted and you can acquire a complete product that will benefit you. Try our dried fruits to complement your diet and start enjoying all the benefits they can bring to your body.

We invite you to visit our page, browse our blog and know all the products we have for you, we are committed to offering you high-quality products. We want to help you improve your health or your business. If you have doubts about our services or any of our products, we will be very happy to help you.

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