Eating healthy can be a risk?

Nowadays, diets have become a common practice in the world. The problem is that when people begin a diet, they do not think if it is a risk, they don´t analyze if their body is getting the nutrients needed to function properly or that they are focused.

The diets where several food groups are eliminated, or diets where you can only eat one fruit for three days, detox juices or similar diets where you can only eat one food and practically leave the solids, personal tastes and it is impossible to continue this diet for a long time. This type of diets cause different diseases, as well as a “bounce” where the person who performs the diet, upon finishing it, increases lot of weight and in many cases it seems that they never did the diet.

People start to establish very difficult rules and these rules begin to become an obsession where if the person does not fulfill each one of them, they begin to feel anxiety or other types of disorders. These habits can start with conducts that seem very simple to follow and can increase in level to cause social isolation, malnutrition, depression, among others.

This type of diets that can vary depending on each person; there are those who consume a diet of pure protein consuming only veal meat, while others go to the other extreme and only consume organic fruits; both extremes are bad and it is necessary to have a balanced diet. The importance of a balanced diet is because our body needs different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that allow us to function properly and have a good quality of life for a longer time.

In Instantia, we offer dried fruits to complement your diet, take a balanced diet and be able to consume healthier snacks that are easily transported and that also make you feel full and provide various nutrients to your body. In addition, the dried fruits can also be used as snacks, complement in different dishes, even to make smoothies in the morning or after exercising and in this way we will stay well fed without gaining weight.

Weight control has become a current problem. However, on many occasions being thin becomes an obsession, where people do not reflect on health and what they need to consume in order for their body to function properly; instead, they concentrate only on how thin they look.

If you want to start a diet, we recommend you to attend a nutritionist so that you can take a balanced diet, taking care of the calories and nutrients that your body needs and most importantly not putting your health at risk by lowering a few pounds.

On the other hand, these eating disorders can also occur due to the anxiety generated by being far from the rural world, so we do not know how the animals were reared or how the fruits and vegetables were harvested. For this reason, different certifications that ensure if a food has high quality have begun to have greater relevance.

Dried fruits in Instantia are 100% natural. The drying process is natural since it is placed in ovens, where the temperature is managed to take care of the nutrients and vitamins of the fruits. However, this drying process is not new. It is known that for centuries people used to dry the fruits in the sun to be preserved for a longer period of time lose size but no properties. The only thing that has changed is the technology that allows a more hygienic fruit drying and controlling the temperature to be the ideal drying for each type of fruit.

Dried fruits contain lots of vitamins and depending on the fruit that you consume is the nutrients you will get; however some vitamins are reduced during the process of dehydration, although they are not completely lost and contain more vitamins C and A than a lot of snacks that are consumed daily. On the other hand, dried fruits are able to retain 100% of the minerals of the fruit providing iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, among others. Depending on the fruit is the amount of minerals that we are going to get, since each fruit brings various vitamins and minerals as well as quantity.

We are committed to the health of our clients, and we want to share our culture with the world, creating healthy and delicious products. That is why all our products are 100% natural we never use additives, sugar or preservatives on any of them. Thus you will have the security that you are consuming organic food, completely natural, with the nutrients that you need to focus in health helping you to fulfill your daily activities. In addition, our company is committed to fair trade and sustainability. We respect the environment and closely work with agricultural communities in each region.

We want to be part of people’s lives, providing something positive in their food and lives; It is important to mention that a good diet must be balanced so that our body acquires all the vitamins it needs; the important thing is to change habits in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
For more information about our products, delivery or the company, please contact us at (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to We will be very happy to help you.

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