How to have a healthier diet?

At the beginning of the year, many people want to have a healthier life and one of their purposes is to maintain proper nutrition and exercise. However, on many occasions this purpose is forgotten after a few weeks because it can be difficult due to the hectic lifestyle we lead. On this occasion, we want to share some tips to be able to maintain your purpose as well as some benefits of including in your diet some dehydrated fruits such as dried pineapple.

The first advice is always to be aware of what you eat, we recommend making a pause between bites so that your body starts to react and you can know when you are satisfied. Sometimes, we eat very fast and what can happen is that our body still does not react that is already full and that is why we feel that we ate too much and this happens by eating too fast without giving the body time to be aware that is being fed.

Other times, we eat more because we feel anxious or have other feelings and are replaced with food to numb them; the first thing is to analyze if you are eating too much for some other cause and if you discover that you eat when you feel stress, sadness or some other, it is time to analyze the reason of the situation and thus be able to start having a more balanced diet.

A tip to achieve awareness with your body if you are hungry or are eating for some other reason (anxiety, depression, among others), is what recommends Passerrello which is that before eating and seeing the food ask yourself: how hungry am I? And give a grade of one to ten and when you finish eating ask yourself the same question.

The ideal is to stay in a range between three and seven; the goal is to eat before you are too hungry because you probably eat too much. Also, it is recommended that when eating we finish in a seven in order to feel satisfied but not finishing too full and maintain a healthy weight. To measure it, we recommend that you write it down daily and keep a record of it. Also, if you have a three of hunger and it´s not time to eat, we recommend eating healthy snacks like dried pineapple.

It is better to eat five foods during the day with smaller portions and not three foods with large portions. Eating light snacks such as dehydrated fruit will help you to satisfy your hunger for the amount of fiber contained in fruits and at the same time take in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that our body needs to function properly, as well as giving us energy. On the other hand, if you choose fried foods as a snack they can satisfy your hunger, but it does not represent a healthy contribution to your body and that is when we gain weight.

Another tip is try to cook at home as much as possible. This is because when you cook at home you have control over the food you eat and you can ensure that you are using the ingredients that you think are the best; cooking your own foods helps you to be sure that you will use fresh ingredients, seasonal products or organic foods and not use ingredients that contain more fat just to give it more flavor.

We recommend that you make a plan of what you want to eat during the week so you can go to the supermarket once and buy the necessary ingredients for the week or for the days you want to cook. If you usually do not cook anything, you can start one day a week to start with this habit and start with easy recipes that do not require as many ingredients or cooking times. You can start to establish which days you want to cook, set the day to go shopping. Also, if you always want to eat snacks that are not healthy, we recommend that you avoid buying them so you will not have the temptation at home and you can replace them with more healthy snacks so that when you feel like eating a snack there is no choice but to eat the healthy and so little by little you will be able to create a good habit. Or if you are away from home and you crave something, always bring a snack such as dried pineapple, nuts, almonds, fruit or any other that helps to relieve hunger or anxiety.

It is also advisable to eat more green foods, people who eat green and raw foods help reduce the risk of obesity, hypertension, heart disease, among others. If you are not a fan of vegetables, start by including only a portion so you can get used to it. Remember that the important thing to start a balanced diet is to create habits, because it does not work if one month we want to eat very healthy and forget about everything we like; the goal is to mix what we like with healthy foods and thus start to create different habits that allow us to lead a healthy life for longer and not be on extreme diet every couple of months. The goal is to maintain a balanced diet.

Another tip is to increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables, you can start including a banana in your breakfast, a fruit smoothie or choose snacks such as cheese, nuts or dried pineapple; start making few changes and one of the most important tips is to stay hydrated, drink water according to your needs because this will help keep you healthy. If you change sodas for natural water during the week you will see a big change; the water you should drink will depend on your daily activities.

In Instantia we want to be part of your life so that you lead a healthier life, we invite you to know all our dehydrated fruit products. If you want more information please contact us.

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