How to include healthy habits in your life? Parte I

In the beginning, changing eating habits can be very difficult as this represents changing old habits and family culture of when we were children, so sometimes changing paradigms is the hardest part of starting a new life.

However, if we begin to think that we need big changes to be healthier we could consider it a sacrifice and make the effort to comply with the diet some weeks or even months, to abandon it and return to the same habits as before. Unfortunately, this is what many people do, they try for weeks to achieve their goals and when they have achieved it, they usually return to the previous habits, losing everything they got with so much effort.

The problem is that they did not change their habits and lifestyle they simply sacrificed a time forgetting everything they like and for this reason, afterward they are eager to eat the foods they like again.

We must remember that small changes in habits can begin to produce great transformations, it is not necessary to make radical diets, simply by making small changes in the diet we can gradually see the benefits and this will motivate us to continue with these new habits and begin to include others that benefit our health.

Health is one of the most important things in our life, without health we cannot fulfill our dreams; we cannot go to work or even enjoy a day at the beach. For this reason, the first thing we must do is take care of our health with a good diet and exercise. With these two elements, it will be easier to increase our quality of life for longer and be happy.

The first tip we have is to plan what you are going to eat during the week, making a balanced diet. Planning your diet makes it easier to follow this plan. For the planning of your menu, we recommend steaming, grilling or baking, avoiding fried foods that contribute to weight gain.

organic dried mango

Go to the supermarket once a week. By having your food plan, go to the supermarket to buy what you need for the whole week. Avoid going to the store another day for cravings like ice cream or cookies. This makes us lose the temptation to eat that ice cream we have in the fridge. If you need snacks, you can buy healthy snacks like organic dried mango.

Plan the snacks you are going to eat. If it is very difficult for you to plan all meals because your work requires you to eat out, try to vary the diet. However, something that you can plan is the snacks. Forget the dispensing machine for potato chips, cookies, and soft drinks. Sometimes, we have a balanced diet but snacks are responsible for not achieving our weight goals. Snacks are important foods in the day because they help our body to recover energy and to nourish itself. A great option is to consume dried fruits like organic dried mango, organic dried pineapple, and organic dried banana, among others.

This way, we can carry a snack easily in our bag, without representing many hours spent in the kitchen, it will not stain our belongings, it does not smell ugly and it is not heavy. The dried fruits are an excellent choice for a healthy snack that will help you meet your goals and start a healthier life.

Make this small change in the day, change the fries for organic dried mango and you will begin to notice the differences, you will feel more energized and healthier. You can also change the afternoon drink for an ice tea or water and automatically begin to see the differences in your body and mood.

In each food of the day add vegetables. If you start adding some vegetables in each meal such as lettuce, tomatoes, arugula, watercress, kale, spinach, among others, you will help your body begin to acquire vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that will benefit you. If you do not like vegetables, find out which one you like best and you can start creating new recipes, eat it in a smoothie with organic dried mango or start by placing small portions of vegetables on your plate and gradually increase the ration.

Eat superfoods. We recommend you to choose superfoods such as spirulina, kale, acai, hemp, among others. These foods will help you get lots of vitamins with a single food, this makes it easier to acquire the benefits and you can include them in smoothies or in salads making it easier to consume healthy foods.

Another tip is to include legumes in your diets such as chickpeas or lentils because these foods allow you to feel full and at the same time help prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Finally, one of the number one habits to stay healthy is to exercise. If you are just starting with this habit, we recommend that you start walking for 30 minutes. With this will be enough, it is not necessary to start with a two-hour routine as this will make you very quickly get tired and leave the habits because you do not see quick results. However, begin to include exercise in your life as part of your habits, do it for health and feel better, you can start walking for 30 minutes. If one day you do not have time, walk 15 minutes or go down the stairs of your building without using the elevator. The goal is to perform small actions that will make your body healthier and help you to be happier.

At Instantia we care about the health of our customers and we want to share with you all the benefits of organic dried mango. We invite you to browse our page and to know all our products. Contact us!

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