Organic dried fruits: Benefits of Acai Berry

Acai berry is a berry that is a mix between cranberry and grape; this fruit can be found near the Amazon river in some tall palms. The color of these berries is dark purple, this fruit is one of the most recommended to improve health due to all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that it has. This berry is used for ulcers, treatment for diarrhea, the taste is similar to berries but with a touch of chocolate and you can find it in juice, frozen or powder to make them last longer.

Although they are very small, these berries are fruits that have lots of antioxidants, contain magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamin A, E, and B vitamins. It also contains fiber, vegetable protein, and others. And one of the main benefits is that it helps the body defend itself from free radicals, and also helps the body fight the damaging effects of stress.

In addition, these berries also provide our body with essential fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 and 9, helping with neuronal health. Among some of the benefits that we can enjoy when consuming these berries is that they help improve intestinal health, preventing constipation and helping to fight diarrhea. In addition, it increases energy levels in the body, strengthens the immune system which helps to fight a large number of diseases such as cancer.

Because of its high calcium content helps to maintain the health of teeth and bones, help improve blood circulation which helps prevent cardiovascular disease; Due to the number of antioxidants it possesses and vitamin E it helps to delay aging and reduce the negative effects of stress and free radicals. Due to the content of essential fats, it takes care of the good functioning of the nervous system and improves the capacity of concentration in people, besides preventing neuronal diseases. For the amount of vitamin A, that has, is a good ally to take care of the health of the eyes. In addition, the amount of fiber it has helps detoxify the body, eliminating toxin and significantly improving the appearance of the skin.

On the other hand, there are studies that mention that it helps reduce menstrual pain, improves the cases of patients with arthritis and also helps prevent prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. This fruit is also recommended in diets to lose weight, vegans, vegetarians, during pregnancy or athletes due to a large number of properties that it has and can be consumed at any stage of life.

organic dried fruits

When you buy these berries, make sure that the packaging contains the legend of organic, this is important because when consuming these powdered berries you consume the whole berry. In the case that it is not organic, you would be consuming the pesticides, fertilizers and other additives that they use so that the fruits grow faster and bigger. Therefore, to take care of your health it is important to consume organic dried fruits.

Instantia is a leading global natural food company, always focused on working together with the local producers which allow us to get the best product with the highest quality. Some of our products in organic dried fruits are pineapple, coconut, apple, mangoes; as well as apple and strawberry powder and apple fiber.

The difference between fresh and dehydrated fruit is that the dried ones lose the liquid (water) but still conserves all the nutrients of the fresh fruit. However, these nutrients are concentrated because they no longer have water.

The conservation of food by drying it is one of the oldest procedures used in the world. It is a method to preserve food for a longer time and it is the simplest and most natural. It is only necessary to cut the fruit and dehydrate it with heat. Currently our organic dried fruits, also you can find in powder but this does not mean that they are not natural. The process is to grow it, harvest it, dry it and then grind it. In this way, you can get organic dried fruits powder and use it in smoothies, recipes and the best thing is that it will be preserved for longer. Like our organic dried fruits, acai berries can be found in powder due to their practicality and so to include them in any breakfast, lunch or even pastry; it all depends on what you want to use them for.

Organic agriculture is not new, and it includes all agricultural production systems that use natural processes to improve their productivity. The objective is to be able to improve productivity (increase production) to meet the growing demand, which grows year-on-year due to population growth. However, the difference is that this sustainable growth takes care of biodiversity and the environment.

At Instantia we are concerned and committed to caring for the environment, and we believe that bringing something positive to society is vital. That’s why we look after the fruits, taking care of the quality of our products and the process of dehydration, we are also highly committed to the ecosystem; we know that we are part of something bigger than us. That’s why we mind about the people and the earth that make us what we are and give us what we have.

We want to be part of the life of every person in the world, providing quality and healthy food; taking care of our environment and contributing energy and happiness to our consumers. We invite you to know all our products and begin a healthier life with Instantia!

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