Organic dried pineapple and superfoods

Welcome to Instantia! Healthy habits begin to take greater relevance in each city, as well as the need to stay healthy. Being healthy is the trend and one way to get healthy and fit is with smoothies made from organic dried pineapple and superfoods.

As we mentioned in other posts, superfoods are foods that contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals, providing large amounts of nutrients in small quantities. Also, these foods are normally eaten raw to obtain more and better benefits and also have low caloric content which makes them ideal for people who want to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

Unfortunately, nowadays many people do not consume the nutrients that their body needs since in many cases we only consume easy-to-obtain foods such as sweets, soft drinks, bread, desserts, ice cream and more. For what we can feel satisfied and with a boost of energy, but in a few hours that increase in blood sugar, will lower as our energy and our body will be without any nutrients.

On the other hand, the benefits of the organic dried pineapple are many because it contains bromelain which helps to reduce abdominal inflammation. Bromelain also serves to break down proteins.Pineapple contains vitamin C; this vitamin strengthens the immune system, being an organic dried pineapple the percentage of this vitamin is reduced, but not eliminated. Vitamin B1 is essential for producing energy and helps the metabolism of carbohydrates.

It also has Vitamin B6 which prevent anemia and it breaks down the proteins. Also it is needed to strengthen the immune system; it helps maintain neurological function, produces hemoglobin that is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body and maintains glucose in normal ranges.

This fruit also has folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, prevents anemia and is really good for pregnant women, and also contain vitamin B12 and other amino acids.

For this reason we want to share with you some recipes that will help you get the energy you need, as well as vitamins and minerals and at the same time will help to maintain a healthy weight.

The first smoothie that we want to share with you contains proteins, increases the detoxifying capacity, contains a lot of antioxidants and increases our energy levels. For this smoothie we will need 1 cup of spinach, ¼ of organic dried pineapple, 1 lemon, 1 stalk of celery, ½ cucumber, 1 green apple, and one teaspoon of spirulina and chlorella.

The second milkshake we recommend contains: strawberries (can be frozen, fresh or dried), 1 banana, ½ cup of organic dried pineapple, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of coconut water, 1 teaspoon of chia and acai.

Some of the great benefits of acai are that they prevent cancer, provide energy, stimulate the immune system, help reduce appetite, combat constipation and balance the intestinal flora, and reduce blood cholesterol and sugar. In addition, they prevent the increase of blood pressure; it is a muscle relaxant that helps reduce fatigue. It also helps protect the skin, improves vision, and keeps hair strong and healthy.

As we can see the acai has great benefits for our body and if we use it with other healthy foods such as dried fruits and spinach we will have a food that will provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals which will allow us to improve our quality of life for longer.

One of the great advantages of consuming smoothies is that it allows us to create thousands of variants; we can add the ingredients that we consider are the best and will provide us incredible vitamins and flavors. Other options that we recommend are:

One cup of almond milk, 1 glass of baby kale, ¼ teaspoon of hemp, 1 teaspoon of chia and 1 cup of organic dried pineapple, you can place ice if you want it to be a little cooler. The kale has calcium and iron in high proportions. In addition, it also contains magnesium, potassium and zinc. It contains vitamin C, E, A, and K, as well as a large amount of fiber and little caloric content which makes it a super food due to all the nutrients that it can provide.

Finally, the last juice we want to recommend on this occasion is a type of green juice. For this juice you will need: 2 bananas, ½ avocado, ½ cup of organic dried pineapple, 1 cup of water or ice and hemp that is ideal for anyone since it provides essential fatty acids and does not contain the most common allergens such as milk, egg , fish, nuts, crustaceans, peanuts, wheat or soybeans. So you can be sure that you will not suffer from allergic reactions.

Our company is based on service, price and quality. So we always try to be the best in customer service, solving doubts and problems satisfactorily. Our company is committed to fair trade so we pay fair prices to producers and establish fair prices for our customers so that more people have the possibility to improve their health through our products. Finally, the quality is what characterizes us; our products are organic, 100% natural fruit, without sugar or added chemicals, achieving that in each of our products such as dried pineapple, coconut, mango, apple, apple powder, apple fiber, strawberry powder are excellent. In each of them we seek to obtain the best texture, taking care of the smell and taste of the natural fruits.

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