Organic dried pineapple: Is it good for children?

Welcome to our blog. In Instantia we are proud of the quality of our dehydrated fruit, we have more than 15 years of being a world leader in the healthy food industry, and these years have given us experience in the processes that must be respected in order for the fruit to maintain its nutrients. There are still many doubts about the dried fruits and if they are good for children and it is for this reason that we decided to dispel some of those doubts on this occasion.

What are dried fruits?

The organic dried pineapple, like all organic dried fruits, is a fruit that is 100% natural, which has gone through a drying process which eliminated the water which causes it to decrease its original size.

Do they contain a lot of sugar?

The dried fruits are food that has a concentration of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The fructose that it has is also concentrated in these smaller portions. The only thing that should be taken care of with this type of food is the portion that you will consume. When removing water, the nutrients are concentrated in what is left of the fruit, but it should be considered that these fruits do not contain added sugar.

Do all dried fruits contain added sugar?

No, they do not. It is important to verify on the product label that it does not contain added sugar. The fruits that we sell in Instantia are organic; this guarantees that they are 100% natural and that they do not have added sugars or additives.

Do they have conservatives?

The dried fruits do not contain preservatives; the reason why they have a long life is that the water is eliminated. By eliminating water, the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in fruits is inhibited, making their lifespan extend even a year.

How can I give dried fruits to my child?

It is very easy; you can include it in their lunch so that at any time they can have a healthy snack. So instead of French fries, they can substitute it for dried fruits, their flavor is sweet. You can also complement the breakfast and include it in a yogurt. The idea of this food is that the taste is nice for children and you can substitute sweets or other foods with more fat to ensure that your child has a healthy diet that provides the vitamins you need. The range of possibilities offered by this version of fruit is as wide as the imagination, and the best thing of all is that it respects its nutritional levels, so one of the great advantages it offers is the possibility of offering it to children, because their striking and fun presentations ensure success in being attractive to them. Dehydrated fruit offers an option high in fiber and in which they will consume up to five times more minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron). As it is a food option that does not contain high levels of sugars, it can be complemented with other foods of your choice, such as a small ham and cheese sandwich, cheese cubes or rolls of ham and cheese.

organic dried pineapple

You can even change commercial juices that contain a lot of sugar for fruit smoothies. For example, you can make a smoothie of organic dried pineapple with frozen banana and you will discover that your children will love this flavor. Smoothies are ideal to start having a healthier and balanced diet.

Why are dried fruits healthy?

The dried fruits have many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help the body to function properly, promoting digestive, circulatory and immune health. It has anti-inflammatory effects and helps prevent diseases such as cancer as they help to reduce the effects of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation

In addition, they also prevent heart disease due to its potassium content, reduce cholesterol and its contribution in fiber helps eliminate toxins. They help to strengthen bones because of their calcium, magnesium, boron and vitamin K content, which is essential for the development of children. Children should consume at least three servings of fruit a day and a great option is to include one of these rations as a snack. If children start from childhood to consume these foods it will be easier for adults to lead a healthier life, eating healthy and exercising.

What are the benefits of organic dried pineapple?

Organic dried pineapple contains fiber, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, various amino acids such as alanine, arginine, phenylalanine, glycine, lysine, proline, among others.

The fruits that we offer in Instantia, are completely free of chemical residues, sweeteners, colorants, preservatives and artificial aromas; It is exclusively natural fruit under the process of dehydration, which makes them a perfect ally to provide nutrition in an attractive and irresistible way.

The only thing that we must take care of is the portions that we give to the children so that they do not abuse this food. Remember that fruits should be a complement to food and try to get children to get all the vitamins they need from different foods.

Dried fruits are an excellent option for children to develop properly and get the energy they require in the day without this represents foods high in fat and sugar. It is important to take care of the children’s food so that they lead a full life with excellent health.

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