Dried Banana | Why are Hemp seeds ideal for athletes?

In other posts, we have talked about the great benefits of some superfoods. On this occasion, we want to share with you the benefits of the Hemp seed, as well as some ideas to consume it and make the most of its flavor as well as all the benefits it brings. These wonderful seeds are highly recommended for people who exercise because they are able to fill the body with vitality. This plant contains vegetable proteins that are easily digested, in addition, it contains essential fatty acids and amino acids that provide great benefits and are not common in plants.

One of the main characteristics of this seed is that they help to increase our immune system and help the body to react when our body is attacked by bacteria, viruses or other substances harmful to health, influencing our mood to improving and we have more vitality. In addition, it contains acids that transform food into vital energy and distribute it throughout the body in order to acquire energy to continue with activities. These seeds also help prevent different types of cancer, also reducing the possibility of suffering a heart attack. In addition, it prevents premature aging.

Another benefit of Hemp is that it helps improve circulation, reduces cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, increases energy levels, reduces PMS symptoms, reduces symptoms of arthritis, improves muscle recovery after exercise, moisturizes the skin and hair due to the essential oils it contains, and is able to help people suffering from attention deficit because it is a great food for the brain because of the omega 3 and omega 6 that contains. When you buy the seeds you will see that they are covered by a natural layer that protects the essential oils and vitamins of the seed. This seed is very versatile and we can use it in a large number of dishes.

The first option is to consume hemp butter; in order to make it; the seeds are ground until they form a type of butter that can be spread on bread. We can also find it as flour, oil or its natural form that are the seeds. One of the options that we love is in smoothies since they are very easy and quick to make and are ideal for post workout because with the hemp they make the muscles recover quickly.

For the first smoothie, we will need ½ cup of strawberry, 1/4 cup of blueberry, 2 quarts of hemp, 1 tablespoon of chia and ¼ cup of dried banana and water. This smoothie will provide all the benefits of hemp, and also complement it with dried banana, you will feed your muscles with potassium, you will have a good mood and you will get all the antioxidants of the fruits of the forest. We must remember that we can create a lot of smoothies by combining different fruits and vegetables and thus achieve an ideal complement to our diet since we can specialize depending on our needs.

dried banana

The best shakes for athletes are those that include hemp, for the protein and vitality that they provide us, dried banana because it is nourishment for the muscles, as well as adding superfoods such as kale, chia or add other vegetables such as spinach, celery, broccoli or fruits such as pineapple, strawberry, blackberries, mango and many more.

The limit for the creation of smoothies is your imagination; you can use the ingredients that you like more or what you need depending on your daily activities. Another dish that is becoming more popular every day is the smoothies’ bowls, here you can also create the smoothie that you like, topping to place different fresh fruits and add two teaspoons of hemp to enhance the benefits of your bowl.

Our second recipe is pesto pasta. This food is well known among athletes because of its incredible flavor and the benefits it provides.

What we will need for this recipe are 150 gr of basil, 80 gr. of hemp seeds, 1 garlic, 100 ml of hemp oil, salt, and pepper to taste. The first step we have to do is to grind all the ingredients until we have the desired consistency. For the pasta, boil water along with herbs and add a little salt. Add the pasta and let it cook at medium-low temperature for 15 to 20 minutes, so that the pasta is al dente. Drain the pasta and you can add a little butter and finally add the pesto. You will have delicious food and you can add a roasted breast in strips to make a complete meal.

We all know that eating is part of your exercise routine so by including seeds of hemp and dried fruits such as dried banana, will provide you with the vitamins that your body needs for a pre or post workout giving you the vitality and energy you need to be able to finish your routine. Also, we recommend you to have a smoothie including hemp and dried banana so that your body recovers the lost energy and at the same time you can reach your sporting goals. We invite you to visit our page, browse our blog and know all the products we have for you, we are committed to offering you high-quality products. We want to help you improve your health or your business. If you have doubts about our services or any of our products, we will be very happy to help you.

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