Why it is so important to consume fiber?

Welcome again to Instantia’s blog! We always hear that it is necessary to have a balanced diet that includes different types of food to be able to acquire the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that we need for our organism to function properly. One of the main aspects that we must consider to have an excellent health is to consume foods with fiber that help us improve the health of the digestive system; there are two types of fiber in food, one is soluble and the other insoluble.

These two types of fiber are essential for maintaining good health; the soluble fiber reduces cholesterol and bile acids because it binds to them and promotes their elimination through digestion. On the other hand, the insoluble is what produces that we feel satisfied and not hungry after a meal. It is precisely for this reason that fiber is highly recommended in diets to lose weight, as well as to prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol, for diabetes and prevents colon cancer.

Sometimes, the benefits of fiber may go unnoticed but the benefits it has to maintain our health in optimal conditions are many. Among the main benefits of fiber is that it is able to normalize intestinal transit because it improves the consistency of stool, helps that the transit through the intestine is easier and helps eliminate the body toxins that you do not need, preventing diseases such as hemorrhoids, constipation, and even irritable bowel syndrome.

As already mentioned, fiber is very useful for weight loss, this is because fiber is a difficult food to digest and this is why the body takes longer to digest it, making the satiety effect last longer because the body is busy digesting the fiber. Also, these foods have a lower caloric content.

On the other hand, fiber is able to reduce cholesterol and blood glucose. It has the effect of delaying the absorption of sugar in the body, and at the same time adhering to cholesterol and eliminating it. Also, fiber helps reduce the risks of heart disease and contributes to intestinal mobility.

And to achieve all these benefits it is important to cover the daily fiber requirement; normally this can be covered with three servings of vegetables a day and three pieces of fruit a day, among other foods that we will list below.

One of the best sources to obtain fiber is the apple and to be able to enjoy all the benefits of this fruit it is important to eat it with the peel, which is the one that contains the most fiber.

Apple powder is produced from fresh apples to which the water has been removed through a natural pressing process that retains pectin and flavor. The remaining apple solids are then dried and ground to achieve a uniform particle size. Apple powder increases the fruit base for natural fruit products because it complements the taste of apple and other fruit flavors.

This apple powder is a versatile ingredient in many applications. It is often used to supplement protein drinks or in fruits smoothies. In addition, it can be used to replace fat in sausages or hamburgers. As well as thicken various willows, soups or drinks. As you can see, this product has thousands of uses in the food industry. Apples have a large amount of pectin. Pectin is a natural fiber found in the cell walls of plants and reaches a high concentration in the skins of fruits. This makes apples perfect to help you achieve the recommended daily doses of fiber.

Some other foods that are ideal to obtain the recommended amount of fiber are broccoli, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, chickpeas, lentils, beans, oats, and brown rice. Other fruits are raspberry, orange, not only consume the juice because the benefits are lost, and strawberries that you can also find in Instantia like strawberry powder that will help you complement your food and enjoy the flavor and benefits of this fruit whenever you want.

apple powder

However, it is advisable to take care of the portions that should consume of fiber because consuming too much fiber can cause other problems such as diarrhea, as well as gases that are air that is in the intestine and is released; abdominal distension that is when you feel very inflamed on the abdomen and you feel too full, or constipation if you consume too much fiber in a short period of time. On the other hand, excessive fiber intake can cause some drugs to lose their effectiveness.

If you normally do not consume fiber in order to avoid these effects; it is advisable to gradually increase your fiber intake so that your intestine becomes accustomed, as well as drinking water so that the fiber can move more easily in your intestine. It is important to consult your doctor to indicate the appropriate portions according to their age, sex, and weight and thus be able to consume the recommended portions to not exceed fiber and not have these discomforts.

In Instantia you can find dried apple, strawberry powder, apple fiber and apple powder that will help you meet the recommended daily portions of fiber in an easy, delicious and fast way. We invite you to visit our page, browse our blog and know all the products we have for you, we are committed to offering you high-quality products. Do not wait any longer and contact us!

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