How to include healthy habits in your life? Parte II

Welcome to Instantia, a company known for producing dried fruits. Some of our products are organic dried banana, mango, apple, coconut, apple powder, strawberry powder and apple fiber. As we mentioned in the previous post, food is directly related to our health. More than changing the lifestyle for a better physical appearance, we should think about changing habits to feel good, prevent diseases and above all to be able to fulfill our goals and dreams in life.

In the previous post, we mentioned that some of the habits that will allow us to have a healthier life are to plan meals, include legumes and vegetables in our diet, include super foods, exercise and plan the snacks we are going to consume. On this occasion, we want to share with you more tips to begin to include healthy habits in daily life.

The first advice is to visit a doctor to maintain a state of health or even visit a nutritionist to make us a personalized plan taking into account our age, weight, sex, among others. This is the best option for a health professional to be aware of your body with all the nutrients you need.

If you do not want to visit a nutritionist, we can recommend some general tips such as eating five meals a day. It does not mean that you eat abundantly five times a day, it means having three strong meals and two snacks. Set the meal times, if you are at work you can include a sandwich such as organic dried banana or a shake to replenish energy, without representing you leave or do much to your food on your desk.

Avoid sugar. With avoiding sugar we can achieve great changes. Start by avoiding soft drinks, candy, ice cream and sweet bread. By avoiding these three you will achieve great changes in your life, we do not say that you should never consume them, simply plan if you are going to consume it once or twice a week, but avoid consuming them daily. You can substitute sugar for honey or stevia and sweeten your drinks.

Avoid fried foods. Replace the fried with the roast, you can change the oil for a coconut or olive and grill meat and vegetables. We also recommend eating beef twice a week and the other days you can eat chicken and fish and start trying a vegan day. That is, it consumes legumes that provide you with protein and so you can vary your diet and obtain different nutrients. The best thing is to have a balanced diet that allows you to enjoy a little of everything, discovering new flavors without this representing great sacrifices.

One of the main elements of a healthy diet is to include fiber in your diet. Fiber is important because it helps lower cholesterol, helps eliminate toxins from our body, and prevents constipation. In addition, fiber improves the appearance of the skin. Fiber can be found in fruits and vegetables. Consuming organic dried banana and dried apple will provide fiber to our diet helping to improve our health.

organic dried banana

You can decrease your calorie intake in your diet, decreasing the amount of cheese you consume daily or changing it for goat cheese. Remember that the more yellow the case, the greater the amount of fat it contains. We also recommend drinking water every time you are thirsty. This way you can keep your body hydrated and the water is excellent to cleanse the body and keep it functioning properly.

Finally, when planning your food, consider that the key to a healthy diet is the amount and frequency that we consume a food. Try to combine foods so that each meal your body ingests various nutrients. For example, if one day you ate a beef, the next day try a chicken salad or quinoa with legumes so you can have a cheat day, but without forgetting the dishes that you like.

We invite you to begin to include in your diet organic dried banana and thus begin to have a healthier life with us. Dehydrated fruits contain many benefits and depending on the vitamins and nutrients that will provide us. For example, organic dried banana contains calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin A, B1, B2 among other amino acids.

We want to be part of people’s lives, providing something positive in their food and lives. From the fair trade support, we have with our farmers so that they can continue with the organic production of their products and with our customers to provide them with quality products at an affordable price.

We take care of your health and work to maintain the nutrients of each fruit, choosing only the best fruits because all of our products are 100% natural. We never use additives, sugar or preservatives on any of them.

Instantia is a leading global natural food company, always focused on working together with the local producers which allow us to get the best product with the highest quality. We invite you to visit our blog where you will find various articles of interest. For more information about our products, delivery or the company, please contact us at (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to We will be very happy to help you.

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