Dried banana and pregnancy

During pregnancy it is very common for women to have doubts about what they should and can eat to improve their health and also the health of the baby, in addition to providing all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that the baby needs to develop properly. For this reason it is advisable to include portions of dried banana in your daily diet.

The banana is a fruit highly recommended to consume during pregnancy and postpartum because it contains large amounts of potassium. This mineral has important functions that help the muscles and the nervous system to function properly. Potassium is essential for the appropriate growth of the organism, development and health of the bones, intervenes in the production of proteins and is essential for muscle health.

If our body has a lack of this mineral it can suffer from muscle weakness, tachycardia, low blood pressure, thirst, lack of appetite, vomiting and malaise in general. To avoid this type of deficiency it is important to maintain a balanced diet that includes various fruits and vegetables to obtain the variety of vitamins we need.

Some of the fruits that contain potassium are banana, kiwi, melon, lemons, oranges, plums, beef and chicken, salmon, whole grains, broccoli, potatoes and beans, nuts, dairy, among others. Another benefit of potassium is that in pregnant women it helps the uterus to recover its normal levels.

Bananas also help to have an adequate intestinal transit, which helps fight hemorrhoids because it softens the feces, also helps maintain the health of the immune system and prevent infections. In addition, eating bananas after the baby is born also benefits us because potassium allows the contraction of the muscles and helps the muscles return to their original state (which grew during pregnancy), if the woman decides to give breastmilk, the baby can also absorb potassium that will allow him to continue with an optimal development of his muscles and nervous system.

After pregnancy, many women suffer postpartum depression. This type of depression is more common than people imagine and is characterized by affecting a woman’s ability to take care of herself or her family; this type of depression is characterized by feelings of extreme sadness and fatigue which causes activities to be exhausting.

Postpartum depression can happen for various reasons and sometimes it can happen due to a combination of physical and emotional factors and it is commonly caused by the fact that hormone levels drop drastically when having the baby; this can generate chemical alterations in the brain causing changes in the mood. In addition, lack of sleep can lead to exhaustion, which contributes to the symptoms of postpartum depression. Some of the most frequent symptoms are: sadness, feeling an emptiness or despair, being moody, irritable, sleeping too much or not being able to sleep, difficulty making decisions and remembering details, losing interest in activities that were pleasurable, feeling physical pain , isolation, problems to create an emotional bond with the baby, among others.

It is for this reason that women must take care of what they are eating during and after pregnancy; this way the body can stabilize the hormones and receive what it needs. For example, the banana also helps our body to produce serotonin that allows people to have a feeling of well-being and to fight depression.

The banana is an ideal food for this stage so include dried banana in your daily diet can mean the contribution of large amounts of vitamins. The benefits of dried banana are that it can be a very healthy snack; it is easy to take it anywhere and allows satisfying hunger, strengthening the muscles and the nervous system. When a woman is pregnant it becomes imperative to take care of the weight gain during these months, otherwise difficulties may arise, in addition to making it more difficult to lose weight after delivery and be more likely to have postpartum depression.

We are what we eat, so taking care of food and eating healthy snacks will help to have a healthy pregnancy by providing the baby what he needs to grow properly.

Our company is recognized for offering 100% natural products, so we do not add sugar, preservatives or any other additives to our products. With our products you can be sure that in every bite you will have all the benefits of the fruit. It is important that when you go to the supermarket you must check the nutritional content to verify that there are no additives and that they are really natural products that provide health benefits.

It is very important to highlight that there are several types of dried fruit, we want to emphasize that not all dried fruit contains sugar. While it is true that there are brands that put higher amounts of sugar to make it sweeter or add preservatives. Some others contain oil or other flavorings; not all brands do that and a clear example is Instantia.

Dehydrated fruits like dried banana are a source of healthy energy that allows us to fulfill our daily activities, allowing us to obtain the necessary nutrients in our body and thus achieve our goals of weight eating healthy snacks or complementing our meals or even our protein shakes providing new flavors, as well as vitamins necessary for us to have a good health. We invite you to know more about our products do not wait any longer and start a healthier life with Instantia.

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