What is a healthy snack?

Consuming snacks is a very common practice worldwide and the recommendation to consume snacks has been for the recommendations to reduce the calories of the three main meals and thus reduce the increase in appetite that can lead to large portions during the day.

The increase in food consumption has caused a large part of the population to suffer from obesity due to poor nutrition and the culture that exists in those countries. The consumption of snacks helps to provide energy, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

A snack is commonly known as a light snack that is eaten between meals and that is not a substitute for meals. Snacks are usually highly recommended because they reduce appetite and our body does not suffer high and low sugar due to lack of food for many hours. In addition, not consuming snacks and eating a bad diet produces obesity which is a cause for concern because the causes of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis and chronic kidney diseases are consequences of obesity; they can also cause cardiovascular complications at an early age.

However, not all snacks can help maintain good health; snacks can be healthy or unhealthy. The unhealthy are those that have little nutritional value so they do not provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our body requires to function properly. Some of these snacks can be chocolates, chips, sweets with a lot of refined sugar, ice cream, cakes, among others. These are foods that can take away our hunger for a moment, but they do not bring any other benefit to our body and consuming them regularly can cause weight gain.

On the other hand, healthy snacks are those that are characterized by low fat, sugar and sodium. In addition of providing energy, it also contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary to maintain health and good quality of life for longer. Some of these snacks are dried fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds or foods with whole grains.

The Department of Agriculture published a comparison of snacks that are recommended for children of school age and the amounts that should be consumed to avoid obesity and promote good nutrition in children. Some of the snacks that were recommended were walnuts, almonds, dried fruits, low-fat popcorn, granola bars without added sugar. Normally healthy snacks are divided into whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and seeds.

Nuts should be consumed in small quantities because they contain large amounts of calories, dried fruits are a very good food for children, although the recommended portions should be consumed because when they are removed from the water, these types of snacks contain many nutrients in few amounts and sometimes we can come to think that we are consuming little when it is not like that.

The fiber of the fruits helps to accelerate our digestive process and the moderate consumption can help to slim and satisfy the appetite. As we mentioned, by eliminating the water the nutrients are concentrated and the size of the fruit is reduced. Sometimes, when we perceive the fruit is smaller, it may cause the consumption of larger portions than suggested. A dehydrated fruit of 0.055 pounds equals 0.22 pounds of fresh fruit because the nutrients intensify and depending on the fruit are the benefits to be obtained such as antioxidants, fiber and other vitamins. For example: if I am eating 0.22 pounds of dehydrated mango it is as if I were eating four fresh mangoes so the calories increase. It is advisable to consume between 0.055 to 0.11 pounds per serving and don´t compare the size with fresh fruits.

The advantage of dried fruits is that they last longer than fresh fruits and their transportation can be easier since they can weigh up to ten times less than a fresh fruit without counting the size is reduced so storage and transportation it is easier. In addition, having no water do not rot and can last without refrigeration for up to a year, the preparation process causes the carbohydrates to concentrate as well as fiber, salts, minerals, antioxidants and various vitamins.

Another of the main advantages of dried fruits is that you can enjoy any fruit in any season and maintains its nutritional value. It has no fat, cholesterol or sugar. And they are an excellent option to accompany them with smoothies, or yogurts and thus consume more nutritious and healthy snacks. It is also recommended for athletes or hikers because they give them lots of energy to exercise; they can carry supplies easily and avoid cramps as nutrients are more concentrated. It is good for pregnant women, children and babies because it contains no special additives and they are 100% natural.

The consumption of dried fruits has increased considerably due to the fact that there is now a greater awareness of the importance of eating a balanced diet to take care of health.

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