Dried fruits: benefits of Goji berries

Nowadays the tendency to consume natural products has increased considerably, and everything is due to how people begin to take care of their health to look and feel better, and; above all to maintain a high quality of life for a longer time. At Instantia, we are committed to providing healthy dried fruits and we want to share with the world products that help people to feel better, live better and fulfill their dreams. Health is the motor of life so we must take care of it in every food we eat.

During the last years, the superfoods have begun to invade the supermarkets and every day more people the drinks. These foods are very beneficial for health because they provide a large number of vitamins and minerals to our body and to ingest them. We are guaranteeing that our body will have everything necessary to function properly. One of the foodstuffs that have interested us most are goji berries, this is the origin of the Himalayas, and is one of the foods known to combat aging; This berry has been used for thousands of years in countries such as China, where long-lived and healthy people live.

During the past years, people in the West have begun to include them in their diet as dried fruits or in juice and thus be able to obtain all the benefits of this wonderful fruit. In this post, we want to share with you some of the many benefits of this Tibetan fruit. If you want to stay young, healthy and energized, this fruit is for you.

Goji berries help people stay young longer because of the large number of antioxidants they have, help slow aging, improve eyesight, maintain kidney and liver health and also allow eyesight to improve. But, that’s not all; by consuming them they also help us regulate sleep and appetite, making our health remarkably better.

Goji berries are a superfood that contains 19 amino acids, also contains minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and selenium; and within its properties are selenium and germanium which are used to treat cancer. In addition, it contains a large number of vitamins such as E, C, B2, B6, and B1, contains carotenoids and antioxidant properties. This small fruit also promotes weight loss because it contains essential fatty acids.

Vitamin E is known as the vitamin of youth because it protects the skin, it is recommended to improve the health of a fatty liver, prevents arteries from being clogged by bad cholesterol and helps improve blood circulation. This vitamin also contains anticoagulant properties, in women vitamin E, helps prevent preeclampsia in pregnancy, as well as to decrease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and also improves the immune system.

dried fruits

Vitamin B6 helps the metabolism of carbohydrates, also helps in brain health, helps detoxify the liver, provides energy from fats in the body and can reduce muscle cramps, is a natural diuretic, promotes the health of the nervous system.

Vitamin B1 helps prevent Alzheimer’s, helps reduce stress, helps increase concentration and energy, improving the learning process. In addition, this vitamin is known to strengthen the immune system and usually include this vitamin in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The vitamin B2 contained in this berry helps to produce energy, is a great antioxidant, helps the metabolism of iron, helps the health of the heart, prevents eye diseases, is used for the treatment of migraine, helps reduce problems in the skin like acne and dermatitis and helps the health of the digestive process.

Carotenoids that contain these berries help improve eye health, cardiovascular health, promote the proper functioning of the immune system, also helps male fertility helping to protect the quality and health of sperm, help improve the health of the skin.

The antioxidant properties are those that help to prevent the wear and cell aging caused by diseases, stress or great physical efforts so these berries will help us feel and look younger.

This fruit is widely used in diets to lose weight because it inhibits the appetite and at the same time helps to burn fat increasing energy levels in people so it becomes easier to continue with the purpose of going to the gym.

In some cases, they have also been used for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and even reduce the symptoms of menopause and combat impotence. When buying the berries, you should read the preservatives they have, since in some cases these preservatives can cause allergies in people or some side effects. These were some benefits of these berries and to complement them with all the benefits of the dried fruits your health and energy will be greatly benefited.

In Instantia we take the quality and well-being of our clients very seriously, that’s why we take care of every aspect of the production of our dried fruits, surpassing the levels of quality necessary for its sale in Europe and the United States. In our company, we only choose the best fruits because all of our products are 100% natural. We never use additives, sugar or preservatives on any of them.

For more information please contact us at (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to info@instantia.com and we will be happy to solve all your doubts and share with you our processes and products, so you will be sure about the quality of each product.

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