Organic dried fruits and turmeric benefits

Welcome back to the Instantia blog, where we share with you information about organic dried fruits, as well as other foods that positively influence our health, making our quality of life is excellent for a longer period of time. In this post, we want to share with you what is turmeric and its benefits for our health.

Turmeric is a root, arguably a bit like ginger, and is very common in India and Asia; although currently it is also cultivated in other regions that have a hot and humid climate.

Turmeric is part of the superfoods due to all the benefits it brings to our body and although its popularity has grown considerably in recent years, the reality is that turmeric has been used for thousands of years as part of the gastronomy of the region and also as a medicine. As we already know, turmeric should be classified as a superfood because it acts positively on our health and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, digestive, detoxifying and anti-ulcer properties, among many others.

Some of the health benefits that turmeric can bring are the following:

Turmeric helps to greatly improve digestion, relieves the feeling of being too full. This is because it stimulates the secretions that allow digestion; it is also widely used to prevent flatulence as its components help eliminate gases that may be in the intestine, relieving intestinal cramps and balancing the PH. Normally, it is recommended for people suffering from gastritis, slow digestion or even for lack of appetite. It is also very useful to combat diarrhea and some types of poisoning. On the other hand, in the case that the person suffers from a gastric ulcer it helps to repair the damaged tissue.

Turmeric also helps the production of bile, helping the body to better process fats, and because this property is widely used to lose weight. It restores the cells protecting the liver, is anti-inflammatory and is highly recommended for people who have problems with the gallbladder. Also, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended for arthritis.

It also helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood; helping cardiovascular health, preventing heart attacks. In addition, it protects the body from free radicals. This wonderful food is also used to treat some types of cancer due to its anticancer properties, helping to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. It also helps strengthen the immune system. Turmeric also helps for skin conditions, helping to maintain healthy skin and preventing the appearance of fungus or acne. On the other hand, it is also very useful to treat depression, this is due to the components that have to stimulate and strengthen the nervous system, helping to cope with stress.

These were some of the benefits that turmeric brings to our health; it is worth mentioning that it is necessary to consume it in small quantities because its flavor is very strong, and consuming it in excess can be harmful to health, it is also recommended to avoid its intake if you are pregnant.

organic dried fruits

We already know all the benefits it has, but how can we implement it in our daily diet?

Turmeric has an intense color so it is sometimes used as a dye, and we can find it in curry powder. We can use it in different dishes such as rice, pasta, sauces, salads and much more.

A recipe that will undoubtedly boost your immune system and help you recover energy is turmeric and ginger soup. For this soup, you will need 1 liter of organic chicken broth, 1 teaspoon of grated turmeric, 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, grated garlic, black pepper, olive oil, and salt. To make it, you need to put a pot with olive oil to heat it and place the turmeric, ginger, and garlic and fry until the garlic changes color. After, add the broth and cook at low temperature and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Turmeric can be used in smoothies in the morning and thus obtain great benefits from the beginning of the day. One option is this wonderful smoothie with pineapple. To prepare it you will need coconut milk, organic dried pineapple, and 1 banana, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, ½ teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon and ginger and 1 teaspoon of chia. With this smoothie, you can start your day full of energy.

Another smoothie that you can prepare is a banana with turmeric. For this juice you will need 2 frozen bananas, a ½ teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon and turmeric, 1 spoonful of honey and milk of your choice, it can be coconut, almond or whole. And you already have a new smoothie that you can implement in your daily diet. These were some ideas to begin to include turmeric in your dishes, remember that a balanced diet will allow your body to obtain great benefits.

In Instantia we take care of your health and work to maintain the nutrients of each fruit, choosing only the best fruits because all of our products organic dried fruits are 100% natural. We never use additives, sugar or preservatives on any of them. We want to be part of the life of every person in the world, providing quality and healthy food; taking care of our environment and contributing energy and happiness to our consumers. We invite you to know our products, as well as more benefits of consuming organic dried fruits.

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