Healthy breakfasts with organic dried banana

Doing some diets and continue with a balanced diet can be a challenge, because sometimes we can give up our cravings. Although many people mention that you should have a lot of breakfast and that no matter what you eat because the calories will be burned during the day, it is not necessarily true.

A good diet starts at breakfast and having a good breakfast can help us avoid cravings at night where we usually give in to that chocolate, ice cream or cookies to get rid of that anxiety. On the other hand, many people believe that making a healthy breakfast will mean spending more time in the kitchen thinking about what they can cook that is healthy and at the same time delicious and can be satisfied for longer.

If you are like most people and are always in a hurry to leave home and do not have time to sit at home during the week to enjoy a breakfast peacefully this post is for you because we want to recommend some tips to continue with your healthy diet.

You need to plan every breakfast, this aspect is very important because if we do not plan what we are going to eat in the morning is more likely that we leave home and buy something “Ready to eat”, or just put a one or two waffles in the toaster and go. Knowing what you are going to eat a day earlier helps you not to give in to cravings because you are planning your diet and it will be easier every day. You will get up knowing what you are going to have breakfast that day or even during the whole week so you will have the necessary ingredients at home and try that in our breakfast we have the nutrients that our body needs to face the day.

One advantage of knowing what you are going to eat for breakfast the next day is that you can prepare it before you sleep. For example: you can leave the chia or the oats hydrating during the night, cook a little quinoa or make some scrambled eggs to have them ready and be able to sleep more.

organic dried banana

Some of the fastest solutions are to make fast dishes or smoothies; this means making a sandwich or preparing a bagel and you can complement it with a smoothie that includes fruits and vegetables giving us all the nutrients we need.

Some breakfasts using organic dried banana that we recommend are:

  • Otameal and banana. One night before, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal two tablespoons of chia and milk of your choice and let it sit overnight in a covered container. The next day you can add organic dried banana and it’s ready!
  • Porridge with organic dried banana. This recipe is very simple and can also be made from one night before. The first thing to do is put oats and add the milk of our choice and heat on the stove with low temperature. When the mixture thickens, we toast some sliced almonds or we can place whole almonds, later in a pan we place the organic dried banana and heat it with honey a few minutes. We can place it in a mason jar and add chia seeds at the end and we will have a very complete and fast breakfast.
  • Baggel with smoked salmon and cheese and combine it with a smoothie that gives us other vitamins. We can create a smoothie with strawberries, organic dried banana and add half a teaspoon of spirulina. We will have a very healthy and complete breakfast.
  • Organic dried banana with Greek yogurt, chia and honey. Without a doubt one of the most delicious and fastest breakfasts we can make. We simply add all the ingredients in a jar and it is ready to go.

We can make a lot of smoothies with dried fruits; it will depend on the fruits that you like the most or considering the nutrients that each fruits give us. The only thing that is needed is a blender, fruits and some vegetables such as spinach, broccoli or kale and you will have a smoothie with many nutrients.

If you have some other recipes using organic dried banana please share it so that each day, more people know all the benefits and ease of using dried fruits in their breakfasts.

Eating healthy will help you to be a new person, with energy, good humor, and above all it will allow you to feel good about yourself improving your health since your body will receive the nutrients it needs. Do not wait any longer and include dried fruits in your daily diet. We are a company that is constantly innovating in order to have the best alternative for our customers for whom we work 365 days a year offering the best service in the industry.

Give yourself the opportunity to try our products; you will be buying an excellent product that will help you to have a healthy life with delicious and natural dried fruits. We invite you to contact us at our phone numbers (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to and we will be happy to solve all your doubts and share with you our processes and products, so you will be sure about the quality of each product.

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