Why organic dried fruits are recommended during pregnancy?

When a woman is pregnant, she undergoes many changes in her body; the energy runs out quickly and requires more nutrients in her body so that the baby is born healthy. Sometimes, it is recommended that women consume vitamin supplements and must follow a strict diet to maintain a healthy weight and at the same time provide all the nutrients that she and the baby need.

Every trimester women live different changes and the baby every week develops different parts of their body and organs, hence the importance of the woman being well nourished; since the lack of vitamins and nutrients such as folic acid and iron can have great repercussions on the development of the baby. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and carries oxygen to the blood, as well as folic acid is essential for the neurological and physical development of the baby, so consuming it becomes essential at this stage.

In addition to consuming a multivitamin, it is necessary to have a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients we need, so in each food we must take care that we provide energy, vitamins, antioxidants and various nutrients for the care of our health. It is known that pregnant women should consume food more times during the day, to maintain their sugar levels and have energy; and one way to achieve this following a healthy diet are the organic dried fruits.

Organic dried fruits are fruits that have their water removed, but continue to have a large number of nutrients. There is a misconception that all dried fruits are bad for health, due to their high sugar content. However, not all dried fruits contain added sugar or artificial flavors. It is important that when buying organic dried fruits in the supermarket you must check the ingredients so you can be sure that they do not contain added sugar or other additives. At Instantia, we work to keep our products 100% natural; we do not add sugar or flavorings because we want to provide society with nutritious foods that benefit their health and that of their family.

organic dried fruits

Our dried fruits can be consumed by pregnant women, children, athletes and anyone who wants a snack or a supplement for healthy eating. When tasting our fruits, you will notice that they are sweeter, but this is because when you eliminate the water, the fruit reduces its size and the fructose and nutrients are not lost in this drying process so they intensify in that smaller size , so they contain almost 4 times more the amount of vitamins and minerals than fresh fruits.

One of the great advantages of dried fruit is its portability and duration, since you can carry it in your bag all day without the worry of spilling out on your things, or when you want to consume is already ugly and not appetizing. In this post we want to share with you some of the benefits of organic dried fruits in pregnancy.

In many occasions, pregnant women suffer from constipation, so when consuming dehydrated fruits they can diminish the effects and help their digestive system. This is because dehydrated fruits contain a lot of fiber, improving intestinal transit, reducing cholesterol, glucose and insulin levels; so it makes pregnant women healthier and eliminates toxins that their bodies does not need. It also causes a feeling of fullness, which prevents weight gain, this is very positive in pregnant women because they must take care of weight gain to avoid complications in the future, and makes them feel satisfied which causes not giving up so easily to typical cravings.

On the other hand, dehydrated fruits contain many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, boron, vitamin K, among others that help strengthen the health of bones. This aspect is very important since the baby absorbs the calcium from the mother to form its bones and if the future mom does not consume enough calcium so that the baby can develop it can lose the health of her bones and suffer from osteoporosis prematurely. Also, there is research that mentions that consuming dehydrated fruits can help reduce the need to induce labor since it favors dilation of the cervix which will be extremely useful at the time of delivery.

Some of the most recommended dried fruits during pregnancy are: strawberries, because they help improve circulation, provide vitamin C, promote iron absorption (preventing anemia) and improve the immune system that is essential during pregnancy. Also, it is recommended to consume pineapple due to its high content of fiber, vitamin C and bromelain that helps break down the protein and make the body absorb it better.

Apples stabilize blood sugar levels and allow you to control weight gain, its high fiber content helps improve intestinal transit, in addition to providing other nutrients. In Instantia you can find apple powder that you can add in smoothies which will allow you to feel satisfied and have the recommended amount of fiber to avoid constipation.

Other benefit is that consuming dried fruits can reduce the possibilities of maternal obesity which is associated with multiple complications like: hypertensive disorders, gestational Diabetes, spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, intrauterine fetal death, fetal macrosomia, labor alterations and a higher cesarean rate, among others.

At Instantia we are concerned about the health of our customers and we work 365 days to bring you fruits of excellent quality, 100% natural and delicious. We invite you to know our products and start a healthy life with Instantia´s organic dried fruits.

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