Moringa: amazing superfood!

Instantia is part of a group of companies with more than 15 years in the healthy food industry providing our clients with the highest quality products, the best service, and innovation throughout the process. Also, we have the capability to make final products according to the client specification. Our excellence in service, good price and outstanding quality in organic dried fruits make us have an international presence in the European, Asian and United States markets, fulfilling with the high organic quality standards of each country.

The three main pillars of our company are quality, service, and price. Instantia have a demanding process of selection and care of natural fruits that makes our company a prime brand in the national and international production and distribution of organic dried fruits and in one of the most reliable alternatives when selling raw materials and ingredients of the best quality.

Another aspect that characterizes our company is social responsibility and the commitment we have to take care of the health of our consumers. In addition, we want to be something positive for society and provide products and relevant information so they can enjoy a better quality of life for longer. This is one of the reasons why we have created this blog, in this space; you will find information about organic dried fruits, as well as other foods that have positive effects on health.

In other posts, we have talked about the benefits of some super foods, and this time we want to share some of the benefits of moringa.

Moringa is a tree that is native of South Asia, but in recent years its cultivation has expanded and can now be found in warm climates. The leaves of this tree have many benefits and even for several centuries its leaves were used in medicine to cure various diseases. This tree grows rapidly and can be harvested throughout the year. Its leaves are those that contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants making them a much desired superfood. They contain iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein and even contain more of these minerals and vitamins than many of the vegetables and fruits.

Moringa leaves also contain a large amount of antioxidants that help reduce blood sugar levels, also, having antioxidants reduces the negative effects of stress on the body and fights against free radicals, preventing oxidative damage and delaying aging.

Another benefit is that it is a natural anti-inflammatory so it is very useful to treat stomach ulcers. On the other hand, it helps reduce blood cholesterol levels so it is very useful to take care of cardiovascular health.

organic dried fruits

In addition, Moringa contains fiber so it is very useful for intestinal health. Consuming this leaf, can serve as a broom that cleanses the intestines of toxins that your body does not need and there are studies that mention that it can help eliminate the bacteria that causes gastritis, ulcers and even gastric cancer. It also improves liver function; also helps reduce blood pressure and can eliminate fluid retention in the body. Moringa is a very versatile food and you can find it as oil, in its natural form or in powder form. It is important that at the time you are going to buy moringa, verify that it is organic since, as the whole leaf is consumed, you could ingest fertilizers or pesticides.

Moringa can be consumed fresh in salads, such as oil and frying food or added to food, or in powder, so it is ideal to add it to smoothies, soups, sauces and much more. The flavor of moringa is very particular so before consuming a moringa soup it is recommended to start adding it little by little in smoothies or other dishes.

If you consume moringa powder, it is recommended to add a teaspoon to smoothies daily, this way you will get all the benefits of moringa that contains more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach, more vitamin A than carrots and that will help to strengthen your immune system and at the same time reduce sugar and cholesterol. It is not necessary to consume moringa in each meal, simply supplement your daily diet with a teaspoon of moringa and you will get all the benefits of this wonderful ancestral tree.

In many Asian countries, such as India, this tree is recognized for all the beneficial properties it has for health and is used in medicine. Remember, the important thing is to have a balanced diet that will allow you to obtain different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and proteins from each food and thus ensure that our body gets everything it needs to function properly, delaying aging and preventing a large number of diseases. Consuming moringa in a smoothie with organic dried fruits daily can bring great benefits to your health since you will quickly have a complete breakfast that will allow you to face the day, fulfill your dreams and goals and at the same time take care of your health without this representing losing too much time in the kitchen.

In Instantia, you can find organic dried fruits such as apple, coconut, mango, bananas, strawberry powder, apple powder and apple fiber. So you can enjoy all the benefits of fruits in a practical way to take them anywhere, you will find them at any season of the year without the worry that you should eat them fast before they rot.

For more information about our products, delivery or the company, please contact us at (55) 2166 9191 – (55) 2166 9492 – 01 728 2820230 or send us an email to We will be very happy to help you.

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