Organic dried fruits FAQ’S

In many occasions, there are many doubts about organic dried fruits. There are people who consider that they are not healthy; in fact, they consider that they are not good for a balanced diet, that they have a lot of sugar or that they have too many calories. That is why we have created this post, to clarify some of these doubts and answer some of the frequent questions we have received from some clients.

What are organic dried fruits?

The dried fruits are those that have gone through a process of dehydration; that is, the fruit loses almost all the water content, so it can reduce its size by up to 80%. These fruits lose water, but not the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber they contain.

How is the process of dehydration?

In Instantia, our process starts from the selection of the fruit; we work with organic farmers in the region, this assures us that our fruits will not have pesticides, fertilizers or any other additive that could change their flavor smell and even contaminate them. When it is time to harvest, we choose fruits that are ripe and at their best, we cut them, and we take them immediately to our facilities where we start with the drying process in kilns of the latest technology that allows fruits to maintain their organic status, and at the same time that the temperatures do not affect the vitamins and minerals that they possess.

After this process they are bagged, we have organic certifications that guarantee this procedure; we do not add sugar or any other additive so that our fruits have a longer period of life.

Why the life of organic dried fruits is extended?

This is because the elimination of most of the water in fruits inhibits the growth of microorganisms, allowing them to last longer. This type of food can last up to a year outside the refrigerator.

Since when did people start using this process and why?

The organic dried fruits are not something new. Previously, the fruits were cut into small pieces and dried with the sun. However, they could be contaminated by wind or other insects that are in the environment. For centuries, this method was used to be able to have food during the winter and survive. The only thing that has changed is the technology that is used that allows the fruit to maintain all its properties and be free of germs.

Can it be used by children and pregnant women?

Yes, the organic dried fruits are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber for our body. The only suggestion is that fruits have fructose so if you have diabetes it is important to mention it to your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Do organic dried fruits produce weight gain?

Many people have asked us this question because of all the myths that exist about this food. First, it is important to consider that not all dried fruit has added sugar. These fruits that use sugar to inhibit the growth of germs are called crystallized fruit and are the ones that contain the highest caloric content. When buying this type of food, it is important to verify that it does not contain added sugar. In the case of containing it, the fruit would not be so healthy anymore.

organic dried fruits

On the other hand, organic dried fruit has less water and for this reason, reduces its size even up to 80%. For this reason, all vitamins, minerals, and fiber are concentrated in that size. Half a cup of dried fruit equals one cup of fresh fruit. They do not provoke gain weight than the fresh ones, simply the portions suggest that we are consuming less when it is not, but if we consume the recommended portions are just as healthy as fresh fruit and with more advantage.

In fact, these types of fruits are recommended in some diets to lose weight, due to the fiber content. It is a very healthy snack that allows your body to be well nourished, provides fiber that improves intestinal transit, decreases cholesterol and toxins in the body. Depending on the fruit are the benefits we will obtain. It is important to mention that it is necessary to respect the recommended portions for the diet to work.

What are the advantages of consuming them?

Fruits last longer so you can keep them at home for longer without worrying that when you want to use them they will no longer work. In addition, the practicality is ideal for children’s lunch, athletes, hikers or even to carry it in the bag or backpack during the day, they are an ideal snack because they are easy to carry and will be in excellent condition when you want to consume them. On the other hand, with fresh fruits you should be careful where you keep them; we have all lived carrying a banana that is already black when we decide to consume it.

The third advantage is that you can enjoy the flavor and benefits of fruits that are not close to your region such as coconut, mango, strawberries and many others. And the best thing is that you can enjoy them at any time of the year and easily enjoy a pineapple, mango, coconut and other fruits without complications.

How can I eat them?

This type of fruit is very versatile. You can include them in smoothies, salads, sauces for meat or pasta, dressings; eat it alone as a snack and even pastry. You can also find this fruit in powder such as strawberry and apple powder or apple fiber powder that is very useful in the restaurant industry.

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