Organic dried fruits and superfoods

Superfoods have been used for thousands of years because of all the properties they possess. Superfoods are characterized by having greater nutritional benefits than most of the food, providing more and better benefits to the people who consume them. On the other hand, the consumption of organic dried fruits began because of the concern or the consumers when they realize that the products that they consumed were full of pesticides, and other products that transformed the fruits so that they grow bigger and faster and also they add different colors.

In several countries people suffer obesity; and although people have greater access to food, at the same time they are very undernourished. This is because the food they eat does not add any value to their organisms; they simply satisfy hunger and give energy due to the large amount of calories and sugar they have.

This diet full of refined and industrialized foods is not able to give our body the nutrients it needs to have excellent health. Imagine a normal day and evaluate what you are eating at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Normally, breakfast is sweet and people consume pancakes with honey, a bagel or some donut. Simply with this breakfast we have already consumed a lot of calories without being significant nutrients for our body.
In addition, during the day we consume some snacks to give us energy and usually are chocolates, sweets, among many others that provide more flour and sugar to continue with the day. Not to mention the sedentary lifestyle that many people take due to work and other activities so they consume more calories than they can burn in a day and without the nutrients for their body to function properly.

It is precisely for this reason that people may be overweight and anemic or malnourished because the food they eat does not provide them any benefit. It is for this reason that we recommend organic dried fruits as snacks.

Organic dried fruits are an excellent option to replace your snacks as they provide a large amount of vitamins and minerals. If you want to achieve a change in your health and in your physique you can start consuming organic dried fruits and soon you will notice the great difference in your body.

It is important to mention that when buying organic dried fruits, verify that they do not contain added sugar. There is a myth that all dried fruits have lot of sugar, but this is not true, the products in Instantia are 100% natural, they do not contain added sugar and their cultivation is organic. This means that we do not use fertilizers, pesticides or other products that could change the properties of fruits. Also, during the whole process until the packaging, our fruits maintain the organic chain, this means that even in the drying process, we take care of the fruits to maintain their original properties and only eliminate the water, keeping all the nutrients.

If you want to achieve more positive changes in your life and health, you can begin to include superfoods to increase vitality and rejuvenate yourself; these foods should normally be eaten raw, they contain a lot of antioxidants, helping us to protect against different diseases.

This trend of health is increasing, it is not enough to be thin, the important thing is to be healthy, no matter how much weight you have, what matters is that you feel good, healthy, happy with your body and most importantly your body receives the nutrients it needs.

To be called superfoods, they must be an excellent source of fiber, contain vitamins, minerals; with high content of vitamins A and E; and they must have low caloric density. Some of the best known superfoods that add great value to our diet are: chia seeds, andean maca, spirulina, chlorella, quinoa and hemp. These foods have been used for years as they help reduce the risk of heart disease and other diseases. These foods could be considered as natural medicine and with few amounts we can start to reinvent ourselves, changing our mind and body.

The current lifestyle makes it difficult to consume the nutrients we need, so by including these foods and fruits in our daily diet we will be positively modifying our diet; we must remember that we eat to nourish our bodies and begin to feel good and healthy. With the correct type of food we will be increasing the energy of our body without needing refined foods and with a large amount of sugars to finish the day.

Eating healthy will help you to be a new person, with energy, good humor, and above all it will allow you to feel good about yourself improving your health since your body will receive the nutrients it needs. Do not wait any longer and include superfoods and dried fruits in your daily diet. We are a company that is constantly innovating in order to have the best alternative for our customers for whom we work 365 days a year offering the best service in the industry. We are constantly doing research to apply new processes that help us to produce more and better products, our commitment is with our customers´ health and happiness.

Begin to include in your supermarket list super foods that will help you positively in your health and to avoid illnesses, give yourself the opportunity to be the best version of you and start transforming your life with Instantia’s dried fruits.

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