Organic dried pineapple and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage in which women have many cares, in addition to food care they have to take care of every aspect in their lives since any disease at this stage can cause possible complications. In addition, of the care they must have daily, pregnant women should be very aware of their diet because putting extra kilos can represent other complications as well as more work at the time of losing weight after the baby is born.

There are many myths about what pregnant women should and should not eat and in many cases they prohibit some foods. However, in many cases these prohibitions are due to ignorance of what they contribute to the organism or taking as examples very specific cases.

Instantia produce dried fruits of excellent quality that are recommended for pregnant women because they do not have additives, added sugars and have a lot of nutrients that benefit mom and baby. As we have already mentioned in other post, dehydrated fruits are ideal to complement meals, to add at breakfast or consume with a nutritious snack that will eliminate hunger and will bring great benefits to your body. And this time we want to share with you the benefits of consuming organic dried pineapple during pregnancy.

There are many myths about whether or not to consume pineapple during pregnancy; however, it is a tropical fruit that when eaten in moderation can have benefits. Some of the myths that are said are that the concentration of bromelain in the pineapple that is responsible for breaking down proteins could cause a miscarriage. The recommended portions that should be eaten of natural pineapple or organic dried pineapple are beneficial due to the nutrients it provides, and bromelain levels are low. However, if you eat the equivalent of 10 whole pineapples in an afternoon, it could be harmful (as if you consumed too much of other type of food).

Consuming as a snack organic dried pineapple is beneficial for pregnancy because it contains a large amount of vitamin C that helps promote iron absorption that will be very useful for the proper formation of your baby, as well as strengthen your immune system. This fruit contains low levels of sodium which helps pregnant women who have high blood pressure and helps them control it. It also helps prevent cramps that can be very common during pregnancy. In addition, pineapple contains iodine that helps the formation of the baby’s thyroid.

Another benefit is that pineapple helps constipation problems because it contains high amounts of fiber. Normally in pregnancy this problem is very common due to the increase of the hormone progesterone that causes the soft muscles of the body to relax including that of the digestive system. In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, the uterus also grows and causes pressure in the rectum.

Constipation can be prevented or alleviated if you consume water regularly so that you are well hydrated, exercise and, of course, consuming foods with fiber such as organic dried pineapple are recommended to help eliminate toxins and prevent inflammation in the abdomen, as well as fluid retention that can be very annoying because of the swelling it produces.

We recommend that when you go to the supermarket you look at the packages and verify that they do not contain added sugar or other additives since this would represent less nutritional contribution and more calories. Sometimes there is confusion that all dried fruits contain a lot of sugar. However, this is not correct. There are products, such as Instantia´s dried fruits that do not contain sugar or syrup that make the fruit sweeter and therefore contain more calories.

Our products are organic; and we comply with the required standards to be able to be called like that; so when you consume Instantia´s products you can be completely sure that they are 100% natural. The difference between fresh and dehydrated fruit is that the dried ones loses the liquid (water) but still conserves all the nutrients of the fresh fruit. However, these nutrients are concentrated because they no longer have water. The conservation of food by drying it is one of the oldest procedures used in the world. It is a method to preserve food for a longer time and is the simplest and most natural. It is only necessary to cut the fruit and dehydrate it with heat.

The only difference is that to keep the nutrients in each fruit, we place the fruits in ovens where we regulate the temperature. We do not dry them in the open air due to the contaminants that exist in the air and to dry them at the right temperature so they can maintain their nutrients and adequate color.

Dehydrated fruits taste sweeter because when you remove water, the size of the fruit is reduced and the nutrients and fructose are also concentrated in what remains of the fruit. We suggest eating the recommended portions to take a balanced diet and we remind you that eating organic dried pineapple is very beneficial, of course you have to alternate it with other fruits to get the variety of nutrients you need during pregnancy.

In Instantia you can find dried coconut, eating organic dried pineapple, organic dried banana, pineapple and mango; also we offer apple and strawberry powder that are 100% natural and are perfect for a balanced diet. We invite you to browse our page and know all our products.

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